Welcome To London Chapter 2 Page 21

Merry post-Christmas and pre-New Years!

Not to get up on a high horse or anything, but it is time for a PSA.

I realize everyone loves their dogs and knows their dog is the best dog ever and would never hurt a fly. However, do the rest of us a favor and keep your dog on a leash when out in public.

My dog was attacked on Christmas day and her ear was torn. We spent several hours trying to get the bleeding to stop, which it wouldn’t and ended up going to the vet. The final bill was near 300 dollars. Not too mention the fact that my dog had to be administered drugs, has her head completely bandaged and is completely miserable.

The other dog’s owner was nice and apologized. They also offered to pay the vet bills. But that won’t repay the amount of stress and worry my family has been through.

Please leash or otherwise contain your animals…and pick up their pooh! It’s da’ law!

Welcome To London Chapter 2 Page 20

Hey you see that VOTE link up and to the left? Click it, give me votes.

We have 2 pages, maybe 3, until the end of Chapter 2. Then the comic goes on a little hiatus while I re-plot some stuff and build a little buffer for myself.

Comic Vanguard: Space-Mullet


What can I say? I ran across this comic last week and burned through its 50-ish pages in no time flat. Usually I am against mullets in all forms, but this webcomic mullet has won me over.

This is a great comic. The writing seems so simple but does an excellent job of making the characters relatable, making the relationship believable and humorous, and delivering emotions with a subtle punch.  And it’s only been 50 pages? Bloody hell.  In a lot of ways it reminds me a bit of Mignola’s writing. You get a sense that there is this huge epic world but it’s being told through a very personal, small story.

Welcome To London Chapter 2 Page 18

We are getting dangerously close to the end of chapter 2.

I will be taking a short break once this chapter is complete to circle the wagons on the remaining chapters.

So prepare your brains for a Shiver Bureau HIATUS!

I’m aiming for 6 chapters total in this first story arc. Chapter two will be around 21-24 pages depending on how I cut it up. So still a ways away, but I wanted to put it out there.