Did you guys hear about Spider-Man, Sony and Marvel? Marvel has the movie rights back for Spidey…sorta. This means that Spidey can be on the same screen as The Hulk…that is too awesome!
They did push back the release of the new THOR movie, so that kind of sucks. On the bright side though it means we get a Marvel Spider-Man movie in 2017.
Wonder when the first appearance of a Marvel Spidey will happen..end credits of the new Avengers movie? Is that too soon? They could do it with CG, but I think it will have to wait. All I want to see is Hulk raging, trying to smack at Spider-Man, as Spidey dodges every hit with fast moves and even faster quips.
And now it’s time for the weekly Patreon announcement…PATREON
Just 11 bucks needed to get rid of ads. That’s just eleven people donating a buck or one person who would love to win an original piece of SB art mailed to them for just $20 bucks. That’s right, there is a monthly raffle every month to Patreon supporters who give $20 bucks. There is no support at that tier yet, so if you are the only person supporting me at the start of the month, then it is an instant win. Obviously I would love more then one supporter at that level, but that isn’t your problem, so why not get some SB original art on the cheap?
Why do I keep pestering you guys for money? The main reason I want the money is to help spread the word about Shiver Bureau. Currently, I am going to guess I have around 500 dedicated readers. I think S.B. should have a larger readership and Patreon would give me the finances I need to get S.B. out there.
If you can’t support, then just tell one friend about S.B. … or all your friends. Thank you in advance.