Just a quick heads up. I’ve finished all the artwork for Jazz Hands. The story will take us to December 1st, 2016. I am not sure what happens after that. Either I will do another one-shot story or start posting up volume 2. My gut is saying a one-shot. I haven’t been able to sit down and really plot out volume 2. However, I’ve really been enjoying doing these one-shots. It’s a great way to have fun with the characters and not get bogged down in big sweeping story.
I’ll do my best minimize down time, but with all the freelance and conventions, it’s hard to gauge workload. Speaking of conventions, I will be at New York Comic Con October 6-9. I’ll also be at Emerald City Comic Con in March of next year. For all my local Floridians, you can find me and a bunch of other cool art at the Orlando Maker’s Faire taking place on October 22nd and 23rd.
Hopefully I’ll see you around.