You want to read the most awesome, hilarious, and disturbing comic ever! Then read Two Guys and Guy, a.k.a TWOGAG, a.k.a 2GAG, a.k.a 2AWESOME.
And I am not just saying that because the creator, Rickard, is a really good buddy of mine.
2GAG really is a great comic. I am not sure how he takes the most horrible people and makes them likable. One is a self centered, sadistic siren with a soul of black. Another I’m pretty sure is a mad scientist bent on either ruling or destroying earth. Aliens are afraid of this guy. The last is of unknown origin. Is he a clone, is he a robot, is his IQ higher then that of a newborn?
Lots of dark humor and luscious artwork to gorge yourself on, you won’t even notice your soul shriveling up into a sickly black pit of hatred and loathing.
Before you ask, yes this is a take on Walking Dead and Michonne with some crazy grindhouse colors. I hadn’t really intended the colors, but it just sort of happened. Here is the original ink wash. Wanted to included because I had some fancy pink watercolor on it.