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Shiver Bureau – Page 24 – Just another WordPress site

Comic Vanguard: Two Guys and Guy

You want to read the most awesome, hilarious, and disturbing comic ever!  Then read Two Guys and Guy, a.k.a TWOGAG, a.k.a 2GAG, a.k.a 2AWESOME.

And I am not just saying that because the creator, Rickard, is a really good buddy of mine.

2GAG really is a great comic.  I am not sure how he takes the most horrible people and makes them likable.  One is a self centered, sadistic siren with a soul of black. Another I’m pretty sure is a mad scientist bent on either ruling or destroying earth.  Aliens are afraid of this guy.  The last is of unknown origin.  Is he a clone, is he a robot, is his IQ higher then that of a newborn?

Lots of dark humor and luscious artwork to gorge yourself on, you won’t even notice your soul shriveling up into a sickly black pit of hatred and loathing.

Before you ask, yes this is a take on Walking Dead and Michonne with some crazy grindhouse colors.  I hadn’t really intended the colors, but it just sort of happened.  Here is the original ink wash.  Wanted to included because I had some fancy pink watercolor on it.

Welcome To London Chapter 1 Page 19

The more people you follow on twitter, the longer you live*. You may as well follow me. TWITTER!

By the by, I got my some sweet Shiver Bureau art.  Why not check them out and give them some love.  Also if you’d like to do some, I’d love to see it.

Spencer Platt



*You don’t actually live any longer for the more people you follow on twitter.  But you do live twice as long as half of your life for every person you follow.*

Comic Vanguard: Happle Tea

Who here loves Happle Tea?

Since you can’t see me, hopefully anyways, I am raising my hand.  I found this comic a few months ago and have been gorging myself on its archives.

Mythology, fantasy, fairy tales, monsters, humor.  I love the world that Happle Tea lives in.  So much so that I really got carried away with this piece.  When I was deciding what to draw, all my favorite strips flooded my brain.  I couldn’t just draw Lil K, it wouldn’t have been enough.  I needed to draw everything in a vain attempt to visit the world of Happle Tea just for a little while.  I really want to bring that full world type of story telling into my own comic.

The writer/artist Scott Maynard has a great sense of humor.  Whether putting a unique spin on a favorite fairy tales or just coming out of left field with some kind of clever insanity, I always found myself showing my girlfriend another strip she just had to read.  To top it all off, he’s just a great artist.  It’s a charming, storybook style but with a bit of a biting edge.

Don’t take my word for it.  Go read it.

I’m always on the lookout for a great read.  So if you have any comics you can’t live without, please pass it my way.  Comics, webcomics, a Kickstarter, whatever.

Comic Vanguard: His Face All Red

I really love webcomics.  I love reading them and I love passing along comics I love to other people.  So I am always going to be telling you to read this comic or read that comic.  You’ll hear it a lot from me.

However, if you were to only listen to one of my suggestions then let it be ‘His Face All Red‘ by Emily Carroll.  Emily is a brillant storyteller and HFAR has to be one of my favorite single story telling moments ever.  I get chills every time I read it.  So do yourself a favor and check it out.  You can read the whole thing in under 5 minutes.  Yes, your world will be blown in under 5 minutes.

Act now, internets are waiting!

I wish I could tell you some stuff about this comic to make you go read it, but I don’t want to give away any moment.  I don’t even want to suggest at anything.

She has a whole slew of other mini comics available on her site that you should also check out.  Each one is a magical gem, kind of a modern fairy tale.

Welcome To London Chapter 1 Page 17

Vote to see all 8 pages of the first serious Pickle comic from forever years ago.

Hey look I used a new color!  Just wait, I throw my palette out the window in a few more pages.  And then page 1 of chapter 2?  Just finished it, we have daylight…gasp!

Anyone see the new Spidey flick?  I’ll be waiting for the DVD.  I just don’t think I want to sit through another Spidey origin.  A review I read said something about taking 40 minutes for UB to die and a hour for the suit to show up.  Seriously?  He got gnawed on by a spidey, got it, good, initiate web slinging fun.

If you saw it, how was it?

Comic Vanguard – I AM ARG


Today we have a webcomic that is just full of all kinds of oddball humor.  At times NSFW, but all times hilarious.  It really runs the gambit when it comes to topics.  Video games, relationships, politics, movies, private parts.

Plus the design of Andrew…AWESOME!.  Those giant, empty eyes suck me in.

Welcome To London Chapter 1 Page 16

Happy page 16 day! What that’s not a thing?

So Tarantino is doing a kung fu movie called ‘The Man with the Iron Fists’ and the tag line is…

You can’t spell kung fu without F and U

To which I say, it’s called karate, duh.

Comic Vanguard – Valen The Outcast

This is going to be a new feature on the Shiver Bureau blog.  Not only do I create comics, but I love reading them.  I love to devour them and the regurgitate it back to the masses so they can also enjoy them.  Luckily for everyone this is mind regurgitation so we avoid the gastric acids.  I will try to do these at least once a week, but no promises since each post will include some fan art.

I used to do fan art of Marvel/DC , but I don’t really read that stuff.  I love indie, creator owned, self published, whatever you call it.  So if you are hoping I do Batman or Deadpool, you’ll be out of luck…though I do have some on my DA account and I still need to do a proper Gambit piece.  But not here, this will only be the best in webcomic and creator owned stuff.  The whole point is to shed some light on stuff you may not of heard of.  If there are some great comics out there that you think I’d like, please send them my way.  Even if they are your own comics.

First up is Valen the Outcast by Michael Alan Nelson and Matteo Scalera from BOOM studios.  This is a great fantasy epic revenge story with great characters and wicked art.  I am not usually a fan of a writer.  There are exception.  Mike Mignola, Joe Hill, Robert Kirkman.  Nelson is part of that group.  He wrote another story Dingo which was also great.  There is something effortless and at the same time epic about his writing.

Matteo is an awesome artist.  He simply slays images, overloads them with action and feeling.  Gasp, groan, yeah he’s good.

Check it out at your local shops, Comixology or on Amazon for only 10 bucks.  Can’t really beat that.