The more people you follow on twitter, the longer you live*. You may as well follow me. TWITTER!
By the by, I got my some sweet Shiver Bureau art. Why not check them out and give them some love. Also if you’d like to do some, I’d love to see it.
*You don’t actually live any longer for the more people you follow on twitter. But you do live twice as long as half of your life for every person you follow.*
At least he still has his sense of humour despite his obvious failing health and whatever apocalypse he’s about to fill us in on.
why does the main character remind me of the Doctor?
I’ve yet to watch any Doctor Who. I know, I apologize. Some inspiration came from Sherlock, Hellboy, Hellblazer to name a few. I think they all have a bit in common with being really likable guys with unlikable personalities 🙂