If this gets made into a movie, I hope Mark Gatiss gets to play Greev. It totally looks like his kind of role.
I’m enjoying this comic very much, great work!
Dude I’m enjoying the second read through so far. Also I love the progression in the last panels. Greev getting dissed and reeling his hand back in disgust. Classic.
Argh villain faaaaaaaaace
He could be a good guy….naaah
I think their sideburns should duke it out. Sideburn fisticuffs could be a thing.
Showdown of the muttonchops! I can see it down. whisker-a-whisker. Shave of the century. Nose haired barred. The potential is mustachounding.
he has a good face……if you compare it to darth vader i guess
If this gets made into a movie, I hope Mark Gatiss gets to play Greev. It totally looks like his kind of role.
I’m enjoying this comic very much, great work!
That would be a excellent pick.
Dude I’m enjoying the second read through so far. Also I love the progression in the last panels. Greev getting dissed and reeling his hand back in disgust. Classic.