I was looking to trim, or expand, my social networking. What’s everyone preffered method for seeing art from their favorite artists?
Facebook page
Deviant Art
RSS Blog feed
Something else
Or what about Patreon?….Support Shiver Bureau, get 2 page a week updates if we can hit our goal.
Personally, I prefer the format of Tumblr and Twitter for viewing art, and those might help to expand your audience as well.
I have an account on both and I recently started trying to be a little more active on both. I was MIA for a while. Let me ask you think, would you prefer to read Shiver Bureau on Tumblr?
I actually favor reading webcomics on their own websites rather than on Tumblr, but I find it easier to share things through Tumblr
Thanks for the replies!
I say you should keep the comic on it’s own website, but Tumblr and Patreon are both good ways to share extra content.
Thanks. I’ll have to start posting some more stuff over at tumblr.
I was going to say Facebook, but Facebook’s crappy algorithm as to what notifications I get sent and not sent sucks crusty cockroach balls. I saw keep up the website if you can afford to and email notifications out.