Well, I’ve just updated WordPress for the first time in 4 or 5 years. Amazingly it looks like nothing broke. Can you believe it? The reason I finally updated was because my spam blocker no longer worked with my version. So if you had been trying to post comments on the site, it has been broken. Sorry about that. There will forever be an empty place in my heart that should have been full of your comments. Oh well.
Second piece of bizness. Shiver Bureau’s Kickstarter is finally going live…on Monday. I know, tease, but at least it will give you something to look forward to. I will post here when it is up and ready to go. Or you can join the Facebook event at this link https://www.facebook.com/events/423264604530366/
And finally for some art, this is what the book will look like more or less.
So happy the comments are working again! (Actually, I will be so happy, once I see proof in the form of this comment being posted. At that point, I actually will be happy–right now I’m merely anticipating happiness. Of course, by the time you read this, it will be after my happiness has actually happened, so there’s really no need for all this gripping suspense. Nor anything in the parentheses. (Not even this thing, here, in the nested parentheses.))
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I had no idea, cause when I talk to myself, I like to do it…in person?