We are about to get into a lot of car action in the next few pages. I always get a little nervous drawing cars. They are so geometric which clashes with my loose style. But I tried to keep it loose anyways. Basically sketch the gesture of the car the same way I would for a character and just go with it. Even if it wasn’t “anatomical” correct. I like the way they came out. Also really liking this batch of pages coming up. Maybe just because of the fact that I had to face my fears about drawing cars.

“Brillant”? Surf Wisely.
What car?
Mechanic: “I can fix it.”
(cue laugh track)
(In the London Museum of Modern Art)
“Here we have a piece called ‘Museum wall a la scrap.'”
Patrons: “Oooooh” “What tech-nique…” “How realistic!”
That is a pretty cool page. Keep it up