Pickle’s hair is a mess. I hadn’t written up the hair gag in the script just kind of came to me while I was drawing because I kept drawing it up because he was flying around so much and I was like, his hair should stay messed up. I also really like that 4 panel action scene but I still hate coming up with sound effects.

Hmm. “He wants you alive”? Looks like somebody’s taking notice of Pickle… or he has a history. Dun dun dun!
I’m sure Pickle has an endless supply of people/things who want to cause him harm.
no, it’s four!
Not when you’re a giant shiver that can lay the smack down.
Huh! I don’t remember Minister Greev turning into a shiver… Maybe it’s just a foolmily member?
🙂 Nice callback.
So….you okay out there?
Oh crap. Sorry about that. I drew the page a few weeks ago and forgot to post it. Oops. Thanks for the heads up.
Glad all’s well then.