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I really like this page and how the story ends. It’s like “Dad! Oh, okay, bye dad…” But they seem happy anyways.
I hope you enjoyed this Shiver Bureau short story. I had a lot of fun playing around with a “Clue” and “Scooby-Doo” style story.
So what’s next? I am currently working on writing volume 2. The outline is complete and I am about 25 pages into scripting. I usually play it pretty loose and fast when it comes to writing, but I want a little bit more structure this time around. Which means it is going to take me a little longer. I also would like to step up the art, which also means more time. Time is a cruel mistress.
What does that mean? It means volume 2 is a long way off. I do have an idea for another short story though, so I may start working on that. However trying to juggle a short story, while writing vol. 2, and doing freelance work is going to be a bit of a nightmare. So I will do my best to keep giving you content, but don’t be surprised if I go MIA for a time. As always, I’ll keep you updated. You can also follow me on all the hip social outlets (look over to the top right column for links, Instagram is my favorite)
The next few weeks are going to be “dossier” files about the gang. Maybe it will give you a little insight into the gang, the world, and the governmental bodies…
Have some awesome holidays and a great new year!