Archive for ‘Comic’
Over the weekend, I scanned in the final two chapters of the first volume of Shiver Bureau. I can’t wait for all of you to see these pages. There are so cool scenes coming up and hopefully some of you will get at least a little explanation of the world you’ve been looking for.
On a side note, my Patreon page is only 10 bucks away from my second goal of 100 per month. If I reach that level, I will release my first graphic novel online. Not as daily posts, but in its entirety all at once. I could tell you about the story, but I think this trailer will do a better job of it.
If you can support, please check out my Patreon page.
If you are looking for a reason to support via Patreon. How about early access to Shiver Bureau pages and PDFs of Shiver Bureau chapters? The PDFs contain color pages, as well as black and white pages. Also Shiver is already posting chapter 6 on Patreon.
If you can’t support financially, you can still help Shiver Bureau. How you ask? Either leave a comment on a page, post a link to Shiver Bureau on your Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter page, or like my Facebook page. All these things will really go a long way in increasing the readership of Shiver.
If you don’t want to do any of those things, then no big deal, I’m happy you’re reading.
Thank you for your readership and your support.
Big thank you to everyone who come by at MegaCon and told me that they were reading Shiver Bureau. It really made my weekend. Didn’t realize I had some FL readers.
Just another 24 bucks until I reach my next goal on Patreon, which means I will post my graphic novel Cubicles up in its entirety to read for free.
If you don’t know what Cubicles is, it is a scifi/comedy. I like to think of it as Office Space meets Spaceballs. It is a crazy ride across the universe. There’s zombies, pirates, space squid. Its available for purchase on Comixology, but if we reach this goal, you can read it for free. That’s pretty cool, I think.
If you can, please support my Patreon. Just $35 more dollars and I will post my entire graphic novel “Cubicles” online to read for free. Even just a buck will go a long way. Patreon
So we got some good news and some bad news…
The good news is that Patreon reached its first goal of $50/month. Which means I get to remove ads from the website! If you look around you will notice a distinct lack of ads. I still have links to my friends webcomics, etc, but the site already looks way cleaner. I need to do some rearrange on the sidebar to clean stuff up.
More good news, I started working on a new logo and new ads for Shiver Bureau. Here is the logo and my first new ad.
I am going to be using the Patreon money for advertising and hopefully increase the readership. I think we deserve more readers, right?
And the bad news? Actually there is no bad news, I just wanted you attention. Thanks!