Head over and vote at Top Web Comics for Shiver Bureau. You’ll get to see the pencils and inks for this page if you do.
Well, I’m back safe and sound from C2E2. Had a great time, got to meet some people that I’ve only talked to online, so that was great putting a face to an avatar.
As with all conventions, I didn’t get to walk around and meet as many people as I had hoped. I am always on the lookout for new comics but too many people hide their merchandise at night. So when I get there early in the morning, I have nothing to look at. If you go to a convention and want to put away your merch, you should just leave one out for people like me. If I see something cool in the morning, I make a note to go back and buy something, otherwise I never leave my table during the convention.
I did pick up issues 1-5 of Valen the Outcast. Both writer and artist were at the con and I talked with the writer, Michael Alan Nelson, for a bit. Really nice guy. I read through the 5 issues and I loved them. The art is top notch and the story feels big and exciting. Can’t wait for the rest of them now.
Also got a chance to talked to the creators of Boke Expressway and Little Guardians. I haven’t read through their comics yet, but I am looking forward to checking them out.
One of these I will do a much better job of meeting everyone.
The best of the con? Learning of and getting to draw Dex-Starr…twice. Evil house cat, part of the Red Corps, what?! Here is one of the commissions, if you have the other one I did, I would love an image of it.